So very blessed - Happy and Healthy

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Casper, Wyoming | Mężczyzna Szukam Kobieta

Podstawowe Informacje

Znam Następujące Języki Obce
Widzę siebie jako osobę
I have lived a very blessed life with an eternal companion for 50 years. I am still enjoying life and want to share with another who fully embraces and loves the Gospel.

My membership in the Lord's Church is my greatest treasure. My wife, who has returned to her Father in Heaven, and I are converts since 1973. We have 4 adult adopted children who have all been sealed to us in the temple. I have been blessed with many callings both at the ward and stake levels. I have served on the stake level as a Senior President of 70s, High Counselman and in several wards as Ward Mmission Lleader, and teacher of various classes. I have been so blessed by the Gospel with peace and joy in my life.

I am a lifelong learner. I hold an engineering degree, an MBA and a JD. In life I have lived in 9 states and have loved each place where the Lord has placed me. Life is a trip and I am excited to learn what is next. I strive to begin each day with gratitude for God's blessings. I love people and strive to live as the Lord would have me. My goals are to Love God and Love my fellow man. I have had a life blessed by having a good and great woman at my side and I am looking to find another who will share life's journey with me. Love is never diminished by loving another. I am kind, faithful, and loyal. I seek another someone who is also ever growing in the Gospel as we prepare to return home.

Real joy comes by serving others. I enjoy working with youth in the Scouting program. I enjoy sharing the skills in sailing I learned while attending the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. I enjoy teaching others how to operate computers which I learned first as an employee of IBM. I am now very computer literate with both PC and Apple products. I enjoy the mental challenges of the ever changing world of computers. I enjoy teaching self-reliance classes.

I enjoy meeting and learning about others. I enjoy making new friends.
And most importantly, I enjoy studying scriptures and learning from my Heavenly Father though the Come Follow Me manuals.
If describing myself I would choose phrases such as: Good sense of humor,, excellent creative and analytical skills, life-long learner. I actively strive to be a good disciple of Christ. I was married 50 years to a wonderful partner in my life. My wife and I have 4 adopted children, all of whom are now married and beginning their families. I have a life filled with love, peace and joy. I am blessed.

I am not an experimental shot taker.

Wygląd & Sytuacja

Mój typ budowy
Mój wzrost
5' 11 (1.8 m)
Moje Oczy Są
Moje pochodzenie
Mój Stan Cywilny to
Mam Dzieci
Tak - Poza Domem
Chcę Mieć Dzieci
Nie Jestem Pewien
Moje Najlepsze Zalety To
Budowa Ciała
Nawet Bym o Tym Nie Rozmawiał
Moje Włosy Są
Mam Jedną Lub Więcej Z Tych Rzeczy
Jestem Skłonny Do Przeprowadzki


Mój Poziom Edukacji To
Dyplom Ukończenia Studiów Wyższych
Mój Aktualny Stan Zatrudnienia To
Na Poł Etatu
Moja Specjalność To
Mój Tytuł Zawodowy To
Reitred Once and now part-time working
Tyle Zarabiam Rocznie
od $45,000USD do $59,999USD
W Domu
Wszystko Jest w Porządku
Jestem Palaczem
Piję Alkohol


W Liceum Byłem Uważany Za
Moje Zachowanie Społeczne Jest
Zdystansowany, Obserwujący, Przyjacielski, Otwarty
Moje Zainteresowania I Hobby To
Religia/Duchowość, Rodzina, Czytanie, Uczenie Się, Muzyka, Filmy, Internet, Teatr, Podróże, Komputery
Mój Pomysł Na Dobrze Spędzony Czas To
Spędzanie Czasu z Przyjaciółmi, Próbowanie Nowych Rzeczy, Relaks, Czytanie Książki, Wyjście Do Muzeum
Idealna Pierwsza Randka To
Sharing an activity where we talk and get to know each other. I am very flexible and am willing to do whatever another would enjoy.
Zawsze Chciałem Spróbować
A River Cruise, Jet Skiing, Exploring on an ATV,
Moi Znajomi Opisują Mnie Jako Osobę


Moja Religia To
Uczęszczam w Nabożeństwach
Raz w Tygodniu
Mój Cel Życiowy To
To become more and more like my Savior, Jesus Christ and to live as He would when with others.
Mój Rodzaj Humoru To
Oschły/Sarkastyczny, Przyjacielski

Gust, Smak

W Telewizji Zawsze Oglądam
Dokumentalne, Dramaty, Instruktażowe, Filmy, Nie Lubię Oglądać Telewizji, Powtórki
Jak Idę Do Kina, To z Reguły Oglądam
Akcji, Fantastyka, Komediowe, Romantyczne, Dramatyczne, Dokumentalne, Rodzina, Horrory
Kiedy Słucham Muzyki, Zawsze Słucham
Muzyka Country, Rock, Pop, Klasyczna, Gospel, Folklorystyczna
Gdy Czytam Zawsze Sięgam Po
Autobiograficzne, Biograficzne, Biznesowe, Klasyczne, Komputery, Fikcyjne, Zdrowotne, Historyczne, Instruktażowe, Religijne
Mój Pomysł Na Rozrywkę To
Sharing life experiences with a friend or companion. I enjoy conversations on a wide ranging variety of topics. I love to sail and have a laser sailboat. I really enjoy traveling to new places and returning to favorite places. Church history sites are fun to visit and I have been to many. Pondering things I am learning is enjoyable. I go to theater performances for enjoyment and sharing. Listening to and interacting with others.


Co Jest Dla Ciebie Atrakcyjne?
Dowcipny, Spontaniczność, Wrażliwość, Empatia, Doskonałe Umiejętności, Poczucie Humoru, Troskliwość, Inteligencja
Czego Szukasz?
I want to associate with others who are striving to become true disciples of Christ. I admire people who are intelligent and have the gift of understanding. First I look for friendship and mutual respect. I don't look for perfection but I look for another who is striving to become a better person during their life journey.

Good sense of humor, positive attitude even facing adversity, cheerful, life-long learner,, lover of people, friendly, trustworthy, oath keeper, dependable during challenging times, courteous, compassionate, and empathetic.
Jakiego Szukasz Związku?