I tend to be rather introspective (INFP)

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Kenmore, Washington | Férfi keres Hölgyet

Általános adatok

Idegen nyelvek:
I've rarely met someone who I have genuinely had romantic feelings for. Life overall has been very confusing, disheartening quite often, esp. with regard to dating, etc.

Despite this, I remain very much still 100% myself. I have always found my true, real nature and much of my inner joy, peace, etc., when I am composing music, being involved in creative writing, listening to certain kinds of music, being in certain areas/landscapes, etc. (On certain occasions, fantasy video games, movies, books, etc. can fill that void, but only to a certain extent. I know what it "is" that I tend to find most beautiful, intriguing, etc. in life, but at a certain point, it tends to defy description...)

There are comparatively few people that I feel most at peace around. (I am close to my family.) It was never pleasant to be around people that were less refined, more vulgar, louder, sillier, etc., in the past or at present. These are people I tend to avoid, with extremely few exceptions (among lds buddies, for instance), dep. upon the nature of their character, etc. I definitely, innately prefer quieter, kinder, more empathetic, etc. sorts of women, friends like this that are both men and women as well, etc.

College was a mixed bag... All the work experience I have ever had has been infinitely more meaningful and enjoyable regarding teaching private music lessons👍, compared to retail, warehouse, etc. jobs...
👎 Being a music major (going from music ed to more of a tonal music composition emphasis), having most any kind of job-musical or otherwise in the "real world" is, of course, often very discouraging, difficult, confusing, frustrating, etc. Academia has often been VERY impersonal and "frosty". As mentioned, I am a composer, (French) hornist, pianist, private music instructor, music transcriptionist, and have many other hobbies-fantasy literature/media, some/certain scary/supernatural type movies, etc. (not violent stuff, more the suspenseful stuff), some interest in philosophy perhaps, also cooking, botany, science in general, art, architecture, definitely the humanities in general but more esp. European (and Asian and American Indian, etc.) studies-both cultural geography and history, brainstorming, ideas for fantasy video games, nutrition, astronomy, so many other things of course that I can't think of at the moment.

There are certain more specific subjects that have held my interest for a very, VERY long time. Of course, I'm not entirely sure why. Some of these are very vivid dreams I have had, also peculiar/VERY memorable/more curiosity provoking landscapes/rooms, such as in Alice in Wonderland, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, The Black Cauldron, Loom (video game), Baldur's Gate (video game), The Wheel of Time + The Wheel of Time video game, The Legend of Kyrandia video game, American McGee's Alice, The Belgariad, Ender's Game, MirrorMask, The Hobbit/LOR, The Chronicles of Narnia, Discworld, and some Harry Potter, sure-more the secret tunnels, forest, etc., but also the English architecture/castles/old colleges (Eton), etc. Also haunted paintings like "The Hands That Resist Him". I have sought throughout my entire life to find music that reflects all the things I love about these kinds of media, and so I have hundreds and hundreds of composers (and songwriters) that I routinely listen to, thousands of pieces of music, songs, etc. that have much more personal meaning to me. I am still discovering music and other media that has more meaning to me as well. I am utterly fascinated by musical harmony, color, melody, timbres, and blends of the arts/music/theatre, etc. Some of my favorite composers and songwriters are John T. Williams, Sir Edward Elgar, Ralph Vaughan-Williams, Ravel, Debussy, J. Rutter, Morten Lauridsen, Syd Dale, H. Kiessling, Bacharach, Joe Raposo, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Stelvio Cipriani, John Barry, Michael McLean, Roger Hoffmann, and others.

I am looking for someone more like me...

Megjelenés és helyzete

1.73 m
Családi állapotom
Sosem volt házas
Vannak gyerekeim
Szeretnék gyerekeket
Az amire büszke vagyok:
Nem is gondolkodom ilyenen
Hajam színe:
Sötét szőke
Nincs háziállat


Főiskolai végzettség
Önálló vállalkozó
Művészet / Zene / Irodalom
Private Music Instructor
Ez évi bevételem
7,312,959 - 10,969,195 HUF
Nyugodt környezet
Kedvelem az alkoholt


A középiskolában
Szociális magatartásom:
Tartózkodó, Szégyenlős
Vacsorák, Olvasás, Művészet és kézművesség, Zene, Filmek, Internet, Játékok, Főzés, Kertészkedés, Kempingezés, Számítógépek
Tökéletes szórakozás?
Barátkozás, Otthon tartózkodás, Új dolgok kipróbálása, Filmezés, Lazítás, Alvás, Könyv olvasása, Számítógépes játékok, Koncert, Múzeum
A tökéletes első randi így néz ki számomra:
Anything that allows nice, peaceful, quiet conversation.
Mindig kipróbáltam volna a(z)
Making my own movie (among many other things...)
Így látnak barátaim:


Vallási nézeteim:
Utolsó Napok Szentjei (LDS)
Részt veszek a vallási szertartásokon:
Hetente egyszer
Many of them...
Barátságos, Ostobának


Mit nézek?
Mit nézek a moziban?
Tudományos fantasztikum
Amikor zenét hallgatok, mindig meghallgatom a
Mit olvasok?
Biográfia, Fikció, Történelem, Otthon és kert, Zene, Rejtélyek, Filozófia irodalom, Tudományos irodalom, Természetfeletti cuccok
Mit jelent a szórakozás a részemre:
Doing something truly creative and meaningful...


Mit tart vonzónak?
Különlegességek, Érzékenység, Empátia, Ügyesség, Jó kinézet, Komolyság, Tudás, Passzivitás
Mi az ami után kutat?
Kindness, Empathy, Sincerity, Genuineness, Inner Beauty, Refinement, Culture, Imagination, Thoughtfulness, Emotion/Romantic Nature, Sensitivity, INFP's
Mi után kutat?
Barát, Dátum, Elkötelezettség